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Look and feel your best, have more energy, and dramatically improve your health

without starving yourself, intense exercise, or counting calories

Being healthy doesn't have to be overwhelming...

Most diets are unhealthy and rely on prepackaged food, which is why they don't work.

Now, you can learn to give your body what it needs to rebalance your hormones and restore your health, so you get healthy and reach your ideal weight - permanently.

End the frustration

Learn how to heal from within, naturally

Once you learn how nutrient-dense foods can heal your body, you’ll experience firsthand how good you feel, while seeing the number on the scale go down almost daily.

NLP Mindset techniques

There is freedom, hope and joy waiting

Don’t let past failures hold you back. Reclaim confidence in yourself to unlock your full potential so you can achieve your health and weight loss goals.

You are not alone

Built-in daily coaching & accountability 

With a skilled expert in functional medicine, you can get to the root cause of unwanted symptoms or weight gain. You will have a customized plan to address your unique set of circumstances.


The Root Cause Resolve

A comprehensive program that will help you completely transform your health.

Reclaim your health

You can resolve most chronic health issues without prescriptions or surgery.

Reach ideal weight

You can finally achieve the weight you've always desired & feel confident in your body.

Have more energy

When you balance your hormonal health, you'll have the energy to do anything.

Everything you need to naturally reclaim your health, age gracefully, and reach your ideal weight on your own terms.

I have blended essential elements of functional medicine, cutting-edge science, nutrition, and lifestyle to create The Root Cause Resolve a 12-week program for women to achieve optimal health and weight by addressing the root causes of illness and symptoms. We focus on nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory foods and implementing positive lifestyle changes such as better sleep, enjoyable exercise, stress management, detoxification, and intermittent fasting.

Educational modules help women understand their bodies and prevent diseases, and we also use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to address mindset-related issues. Our program aims to improve digestion, balance hormones, reduce inflammation, and correct metabolic and blood sugar imbalances.


Client Transformations

Here are some client testimonials showcasing the positive impact of our services:

Brenda F.

"I lost 51 lbs, have newfound energy, significant improvements in gastrointestinal health, aches and pains are gone, and sleeping through the night - all within just a weeks of starting the program. There’s lots of fad diets, pills out there, but you can’t beat having daily support every step of the way. This is a completely new me! I learned healthy choices to use for a lifetime - I highly recommend this program!!!

Barb F.

“After seeing pictures of myself at my daughter's bridal shower, I knew it was time to make a change in my life. Every part of my body ached, there were days I was in tears from all the pain. I've now completed 2 rounds and lost 51 lbs, I feel great! No more body aches and no more pain!!! Marrie's love for every women's well-being is a gift, I'm so grateful for this journey!”

Regina S.

"In the past I tried many different programs - I lost but always gained it right back. In Marrie's program I lost 22 pounds in 6 weeks, went from a 12 to an 8 size, improved sleep and gut health! I loved all the info that was given on the modules, as well as the constant support I received from Marrie. I definitely recommend this program!"


Restore, replenish, & renew for optimal body function.

Whether you're just starting a health journey or not, we are here to help you heal from within, overcome chronic health issues, and finally find joy in your life - at work, at home, and at play.


Learn your unique body type

Take this five-minute quiz to find out your unique body type, so you can start eating the way your body was designed to eat.


Health optimization for busy professionals

Being healthy isn't as complicated as you think. Let me show you how to be healthier - right now - in this free training.


Learn more about The Root Cause Resolve

See how you can reclaim your health, hormones, and happiness with this simple, powerful group program.



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